Re: TIB: Resetting memory


Re: TIB: Resetting memory

Yup, thats one of the disadvantages of them allowing such calculators as the
TI-89 on the AP tests, they just make the tests harder...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrey Kislyuk" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 11:28 PM
Subject: RE: TIB: Resetting memory

> I've taken AP Calc BC last year, but I didn't have an 89 back then (now I
> do). Basically it can solve almost any integral, be it symbolic or numeral
> or limited or infinite. it also helps on series and sequences much more than
> the 86. What they did though was that they put more integral-crunchy
> problems on the non-calculator part and more complex problems like rates and
> sequences on the calculator part. Anyway an 89 is still not banned on the AP
> and it can help immensely on both AB and BC. The funny thing was, I didn't
> have it then, and out of 15 people in our class, 2 had it, and neither
> really knew how to use it.
> -ak
