Re: TIB: Re: Resetting memory


Re: TIB: Re: Resetting memory

Yeah. I got a 92+ and the teachers are AFRAID of it! When I used the 83 I 
have in my room, They'd always try to stop me. Now, since the 68K based calcs 
have a text-editor, I can "take notes"(read:play games) in class and no one 
can do anything about it!

> Thats an advantage us 89/92/92+ users have, no one knows how to use the
>  calc. You can just have stuff on the main screen and use shorcuts, and in
>  most 89 games you can just rapidly hit escape and ur out, or in worst case
>  scenario, 2nd + left + right + on.
>  -Dan

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Matthew Glory, CEO Right Side Minds Battlefield Technology
                Former Mercenary
ICQ:            55807773
TI-Calc ActiveList: 58286255