Re: TIB: RE: Locations


Re: TIB: RE: Locations

This is pretty cool. I don't actually live _in_ Tipp city, just very, very
nearby, close enough that I have a Tipp mailing address. I must admit, though, it
suprised me a lot too :). We probably don't know each other though - I don't go
to tipp high school, and there isn't anyone else at my school that even decently
programs in Basic :). wrote:

> Can't say I'm surprised about that part.  I'm just surprised that it was from
> HERE.  I mean, I'd expect a couple of people from some place like San
> Fransisco, or New York, or some other big city.  But Tipp's only like 6000
> people!  Well, maybe 10 if you count the township, but still...
> Eric Tollefson
> Cmdr
