Re: TIB: Fwd: A86: Fw: dumbest guy alive


Re: TIB: Fwd: A86: Fw: dumbest guy alive

Hey! I use AOL! I'm not stupid! Guess I'm the minority around here (as if I 
didn't already figure that one out!)! But you can't judge a book by its cover 
(but 98% of a book I'll allow)
>  << lol i cannot believe that there is actually someone that incredibly 
>  stupid... >>
>  98% of people who have AOL or AIM would fit that description perfectly. 
> d 
>  be surprised. it seems AOL-related stuff (be it aim or aol) seems to be 
>  medium for incompetant people. they breed on here or something... although 
> it 
>  is kinda fun to poke at them sometimes.

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Matthew Renner, CEO Right Side Minds Battlefield Technology
                Former Mercenary
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