Re: TIB: program syntax question


Re: TIB: program syntax question

In a message dated 2/8/2000 4:00:58 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> Hey i got a question....I put this small program on my calc off of the tips 
>  list, it is an application lancher and i get a "missing )" error, could 
>  someone tell me what is wrong.  Some of the symbols where changed when i 
>  it in her but if you want to see it on a site go to 
>  and it is on page 6 the #1 entry.
>  apps()
>  Prgm
>  local k,appdesc,appfold
>  setfold(main)
>  matÐlist(submat(appsdef,1,1,rowdim(appsdef),1)»appdesc

Its in the line above.  You need to add 2 " ) " after the last 1.  You have 3 
" ( " and only 2 " ) ";


>  popup appdesc,k
>  appsdef[k,2]»appfold
>  setfold(#appfold)
>  expr(appfold&"\"&main\appsdef[k,3])
>  setfold(main)
>  EndPrgm

ICQ #45738886
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