Re: TIB: Re: Scrolling


Re: TIB: Re: Scrolling

In a message dated 4/27/00 4:51:50 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> ummmm, try doing multiple clear homes like
>  While Y<20
>  Output(4,Y,"Scrolling")
>  ClearHome
>  End

 I don't think this is what he was referring to, but there is a better 
alternative to your problem that ClrHome.

Output(1,x," Scrolling"

If you'll notice there is a space in front of scrolling so that when it runs, 
there is no nasty looking black line.  This is faster than clearing the 
screen I should believe, and may help you in the future.  As far as the graph 
screen, well, you could maybe implement a getkey routine and change the 
Window variables based on a user's keypress and then refresh the display.  
There may be a better way, but I think that one would work.  Good Luck.
