Re: TIB: Voting on the TI-Basic Website


Re: TIB: Voting on the TI-Basic Website

I ahve one last offer which can incorperate all designs.  Recently, I have 
learned to read/write cookies, and I know some very useful JS tricks.  I 
could make the person visiting be able to choose their favorite layout/color 
scheme, and have that one load for them every time.

--Zack AKA MysticWolf AKA Amaroq
<A HREF="">The Agency</A>: Support the 
last line of defenst in the aliean invasion (fictional)
<A HREF="http://Arrive.At/MysticWolf">MysticWolf Media:</A> the way the web 
is done.
A proud member of <A HREF="">Programmers Anonymous</A>.
A proud member of the <A HREF="">Twin Cities Robot Group.</
