Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.


Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.

Well this school i am going to is brand new so its got all the new technology 
and has:

AP Comp Sci A and B
Comp Math (calc and Visual Basic)
IT (information tech, its like a program for computer stuff) Comp Graphics
Internet Webmaster Fouindations
IT Comp Applications
IT Comp systems
Network design and engineering
IT Engineering Physics I and II
IT Multimedia Software Design and Developement
IT Comp Systems Technology
Computer Math

Then i can get any of these certifications:
Cisco CCNA
Allen Academy of Multimedia
Computer Graphics (Adobe Photoshop Certification)

so when i come out of school I could almost make as much as my dad who has 
been programming for about 26 years (ever since punched cards) in some nice 
place in California (but i really want to make computer games) aint it just 