Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.


Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.

Wow, I thought my school was's the situation at the beginning of 
this year (and I'm a freshman, btw):

Computer Science Dept.: Two computer labs full of 4 year old Macs. Can 
program in Pascal (Prog I and Prog II), C (C Computer Science), C++ (AP 
Computer Science).

Business Dept.: 3 labs, full of new Gateway PCs with NT 4 that we got just 
this year. Of course, all you can do on them is MS Office and Internet 
surfing. (Note: Before that, they had Win CE based terminals, which were 
almost faster than the Macs.) And the PCs are locked, while the the Macs have 
Mac Control :(

After this year: 3 new courses for computer science, two of which are MS 
Certification courses: WinNT and VB++. Of course, I don't have any room on my 
schedule for those, meaning I'll have to wait at least until my junior year, 
during which I'll be doing C and AP CS anyway.

Oh well. At least I'm learning Pascal*.

<A HREF="">A Long E-mail (and pathetic) E-mail from 
<A HREF="">ASimWeb</A>
<A HREF=""></A>

*As far as that goes, that is. Pascal, while easy to use, isn't exactly 
what'd you call a common language.