TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.
TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.
Dude...You seem like the most cool person I've met on the net for the past 4
We agree on most things!
1) Macs basically suck.(maybe more on software/os side of things than on hd)
2) I'm getting my A+, in a month or so.
3) I don't like: Amish, AOL, Proffesional Sports and Art.
4) I hate when people generalize things
5) I beleive that everything is true and everything is false at the same
fucking time..
> In a message dated 4/12/2000 11:50:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> owencannon@mac.com writes:
> >
> > > peecee's are cheap pieces of crap.
> >
> > riiiiight. (smiles and nods like he cares)
> >
> > > try to think of two things windows has over macOS, and write them to
> > > owencannon@mac.com
> >
> > Better yet, I'll post them right here.
> > 1. Any dual OS program that has both mac and win versions will 100% of
> > time take up half the memory of the mac version if it's installed under
> > windows.
> > Maybe it's just me, or does that now matter. What do you mean, 'Duel OS
> > program'? You mean, a program on the computer that runs 2 OSs? You
> > run a mac on your pc because its not x86 compatible; cant run on your
> > intel/amd.
> You've got worse spelling than my friend John who spells everything with
> letters added or out of place. It's tragic. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR
> Dual OS, at least that's what I call it (I've searched to find the actual
> name for this but it don't seem to exist), programs are built so that the
> same program can run under two different operating systems from the same
> install disk. Diablo, Starcraft, etcetera.
> You CAN run MacOS on your PC. I got this neat program called VMware that
> allows any os to run inside of win98 or 2K. Even MacOS and probably TI-OS,
> I worked it right...
> > 2. Macs, although low in virus numbers, are higher in crash
> > Maybe that stems from the fact that a PC file transfered to a mac can
> > will fuck the mac up, although the other way around it works fine... Or
> > maybe
> > because MacOS uses double the memory of Windows to run any program...
> > I know little about programming, but I do know that programs built for
> > windows and ones built for macs are quite different.
> Programs for macs are different because of that damn "Resource Fork" file
> stuff Apple insists on sticking with. And don't even think about running
> executables...
> Besides that, it's probably similar or the same on the inside.
> > 3. In truth, they both suck. I'd use linux but my HD's already half
> and
> > my PC threatened to become a pc golem if I took any more space up with
> > stuff.
> > I've already fucked IE 5.01 up, what's next?
> > I agree that both aren't the greatest OS's, but Mac is the widely used
> > that seems to be more logically designed. What do I mean by that you
> > Isn't that just opinion? no.
> >
> If Mac OS is so widely used than why is Microsoft facing Anti-Trust laws
> because they out-sell the competition by exponential amounts? BECAUSE NO
> > The complex nested menus under the 'start' button give the illusion of
> > second file hierarchy, and the 'my computer' containing all the drives
> > disconnects the user from the way the files are organized, creating
> > messes in the 'c:\' drives of people's boxes. Not only that, the 'close
> > boxes' of all windows in Windows are on the right. That means, when
> are
> > cascaded, you have to move your mouse all over the place to find them,
> > you can't close all the windows as fast as you want.
> >
> > PROGRAMS ARE CONSIST THROUGHOUT THE OS! That means you know that
command Q
> (Swats away a Typo demon) Look at this little guy(points to the typo
> now trying to hide in a corner). He's pathetic, don't you think? Whatever.
> Computers WERE supposed to encourage creative thinking. Why do I say WERE?
> Because these "Easy to use" systems came along. That screws everything up.
> can hear America dumbing down as we type...
> > always closes a program, and command w always closes a window. Alt-f4
> > always the key combination to close a program. I believe photoshop and
> > pagemaker use control q, and some don't even have combinations to
> > Even if they did use alt-f4, it takes to two hands to close it! So
> > inefficient.
> Wrong. I'm 6'4 and can reach the Alt-F4 combo with one hand. It's not my
> fault I've got skills that serve no purpose...
> >
> > Also, what's with the whole 'window' inside a window you get when you
> > a program. In Mac, when you start a program, it does not create a box
> > surrounding the menu bar. The only 'windows' you see are the documents
> > are working on, which is far more important than what programs you're
> > running. Use a mac more often and think about it.
> Now why'd you have to go this way? I can close 99% of all programs on the
> FIRST TRY with the ol' Three Finger Salute. Under Win 4, it don't hurt it
> bit.
> Hey, what if someone's stealing your credit card numbers through your
> internet connection that you're using to write 500Kb e-mails saying that
> OS is better than the next but you can't do a damn thing about it because
> can't see it and thus you don't know it's happening? Shit happens. Don't
> to stop shit, it'll just cause you to get colon cancer or something, and
> that's NOT what happens when you hit the "," key too many times...
> >
> > 4. Macs are sooo slow. Whoa, Wozniak, don't get ahead of yourself. 433
> >
> > [500]
> >
> > Wow! I've got a 500 Mhz K6-2 (made by AMD, the maker of the best
> > on the earth) and I'm gonna get a new motherboard and a k7 Athlon 1Ghz
> > time.
> >
> > [I don't know much about the internal workings of a processor, but I do
> know
> > that it takes two cycles for an intel or amd to do the same thing that
a g3
> > or a g4 does in just one. That is because PCs use CISC (the use of a
ton of
> > different instructions in the hope that you can use one to solve a
> > instruction) whereas g3/4s use RISC (the use of a reduced set of
> > instructions to solve simple processor tasks more quickly, and make
> > complex tasks in less time. That means, that a 500 mhz g4 is the
> > to a 1ghz pentium or k7. ]
> >
> > Try to find a mac with a processor any faster than 433 and you're shit
> > outta luck. I love saying that.
> >
> > [any competant computer user knows why mhz are not a good way of
> > processor speed. the speal about just tells you why.]
> >
> No. Don't insult AMD. I won't even dignify this one with any more of a
> response, because your punk ass doesn't deserve it!
> > 5. Lack of 3rd party hardware support. Maybe I'd get a mac too if I
> > pop
> > a Creative Labs 3D Blaster Annihilator Pro in there and watch my
> > crash in full 3d. And firewire's not gonna hold anything up against
> for
> > external device interface for another five years.
> >
> > [that is true. Macs have been in bad shape for the past few years,
> > of some pretty dumb decisions on behalf of apple (did somebody say,
> > 'Performa?') Now that steve jobs is back, and some really cool stuff is
> > coming out, things are getting much better, and you should see more
> > for the better computer coming out soon.]
> [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[What Better Computer than the one I got right
> here?]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
> I'll find a way. I'll get MacOS, Linux, NT, and 4.1 to work together on my
> Quad-Boot system. Until then, I got a realaudio file you should hear. It's
> the new Crack-Mac from Scrapple Computers, a division of Blackintosh
> Incorporated. It's at:
> <A
> /twisted/scrapple.ram</A>
> .
> And the i-crack Mac. What a more worthless system. If ANYTHING breaks you
> have to go out and buy a brand new one unless you want Jimbo the
> Apple Technician" to fix it at a price more than four times what the piece
> shit cost your sad sad ass. And i-Books? I hate laptop computers more than
> hate Macs, so you can only guess at how sad I think that is...
> >
> > 6. Not really a superiority as much as an observation. If they'd only
> > out with something like the old macs (which I kinda liked, 'cuz they
> > like PCs...), but faster. Say 1.5 Ghz with 256Mb of RDRAM and a GeForce
> > 256-based chip. And run it off an AMD or Intel processor. G4s suck.
> >
> > [How do you know that g4s suck? have you ever actually used one? if you
> did,
> > you'd probably pee your pants. now you're just trolling.]
> I tested a G4 system for a 30-day trial period. I couldn't change BIOS
> settings so I couldn't put in my brand spanking new 70GB fat32 UltraWide
> 160/M SCSI-3 hard drive and I couldn't swap the optical drive (a DVD-ROM)
> my Ricoh MediaMaster 9060S, a combination CD-RW and DVD-ROM. I also
> partition the hard drive, one of my favorite things to do. I must have
> or four on this one right here. And yes, I did try to put in a SCSI
> card. No, I couldn't set that either. And I still hate Apple. There's not
> damn thing you can say that can change my mind. I had to put in an extra
> 256MB of SDRAM chips in its god damn dimm slots for it to get fast enough
> do what it said it was supposed to. And after looking at the damn
> screen for a month, I nearly burned out both my eyes. My screen is
> greyscale on the darker side because too much white-screenage can hurt
> eyes and mine.
> >
> >
> > > Now, for something less off-topic:
> > > Is there a graph link for USB yet? TI released those translucent
> > > covers (worthless anyway) yet they don't release the USB links!?
> >
> > No. There is no USB GL, because anyone with brains enough to use one
> > just go out and get a port replicator for their "computer". Lecacy free
> > can kiss my fat white ass.
> >
> > [okay, now you're just being pathetic. serial ports and stuff just suck
> > because they are inefficient and old. I can unplug a printer during
> > and plug in a superdisk and have it on the desktop waiting for me on
> > startup. isn't that nice? don't say you like playing with IRQs and
> Superdisks? Bah. I spend a full day making backup copies of my hard drive
> installing new programs and making image files for the previous
> configurations. I'm what you call, prepared. I love going over to people's
> houses to fix old computers. And if anyone pisses me off I just set the
> so that their keyboards and printers are all meshed together and they have
> call me out again to fix it. It's fun, taking advantage of people who make
> mad. It's fun as hell. What is happening to this country? Are we really
> pathetic that we can't program our VCRs or fix our own computers but we
> even get off our fat asses(like I'm gonna do when I finish this incredibly
> long message) and learn how to fix a computer? Hell, I'm fucking A+
> certified, I'm Microsoft certified, and I'm frickin' Cisco CCNP certified.
> And I nearly flunked my senior year, dammit!
> > There. I said it. Now get yourself a nice Dell
> > XPS-B1000R and a copy of SuSe Linux and have some real power in your
> > And don't bitch about Macs. If you play with fire, there's a good
> > you'll get burned....<A HREF="http://prym.8m.com/">
> > [this has got to be one of the saddest messages i've ever got :)]
> >
> No, I've seen worse.
> > The problem is, you don't know what computers are really for. They are
> > about processors, or hardware or RAM, it's about getting your creative
> ideas
> > out to the people (which, by the way, macs are better at. Does a
> box
> > have complete system-wide color calibration? i thought not.) No normal
> human
> > gives a damn about your video card or your 1ghz processor. anyone with
> > money can buy themselves one of those and brag about for the few months
> that
> > it is new.
> My creative Ideas are all surrounding the destruction of AOL, the
> of the professional sports (I have my reasons to hate those bigots) and
> artwork. That plus killing Amish and taking over the world. Not in that
> > BTW: does windows have complete system-wide scripting? can you controll
> > application via an easy programming language supported by your system?
> > you manage a whole collection of computers with this language over a
> > network? What is your cheap wireless networking solution? Does it come
> > all newer PCs? Oh, and by the way, try to click on a file, and with one
> more
> > click find related files. I can do that on my mac, and I've taken all
> > for granted until i tried some of the windows boxes at our school.
> </A>
> I set up a fucking LAN for my subdivision. All using PCs running Win 98
> and using a local adaptation of a DSL line to rush shit around. I've got
> server hooked up and it's sitting right beside me. Now all I need is to
> up a TeraBeam system for 1Gbps internet access and I'm done. There. And
> the fun of PCs is finding ways to enhance them on your own. Like I did
> my custom Netzero mod that took away all the banners. ALL the banners.
> So now I am off. If you e-mail me again like this I'll send the PC-Golem
> after you. It's not gonna be happy when I tell it what you're saying...
> -One man with a PC and a megalomaniacal complex, Matthew Glory