Re: TIB: Funny things with >frac.


Re: TIB: Funny things with >frac.

If you type in anything before you hit >frac (even accidentally), Ans won't 
appear.  If that happens, hit [CLEAR[ and try again.  If it still doesn't 
work, hit [2nd][(-)] and Ans will appear.  I honestly don't understand why 
it won't work on your calculator--I don't think ASM shouldn't do anything to 
hurt the TI-OS.

>From: "Jeremiah Tootle" <>
>To: <>, <>
>Subject: TIB: Funny things with >frac.
>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 18:34:40 -0400
>I have a TI-86 calculator.  When I use the ">Frac" function (which I use a 
>lot) I paste it to the home screan from my custom menu.  Usually, when I 
>paste the function it adds "Ans" in front of it.  For some reason it's only 
>been pasting the function lately.  It's very annoying.  Does anyone know 
>how to make it start putting "Ans" in again?  Could it be caused by some 
>assembly program?  If your answer includes an assembly program or any 
>functions, commands, or terms related to assembly programming, please bear 
>in mind that I do not yet know how to assembly program (maybe when I get 
>some free time . . .).

--Robert Mohr--
AIM:  rmohr02
MSN:  rmohr02

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