Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...
Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...
> Well, to make it into an algorithm, what I do, you should sit down with a
> piece of paper and plan out the "Parts of your program". I.E. output,
> clearing parts of the screen, and the AI, and whatever else there may be. Now
> organize them in a fashion so that you can repeat them in that order over and
> over a gain to achieve your goal. so its a giant loop For(z,1,9999999)
> player input
> Move position according to player
> clear old player position
> use new player coordinates to determine AI outcome
> Output new computer move
> clear old computer move
> test to see if player is still alive
> if not say your dead cause you stink at this game!
> if yes end the loop and go back to the start
> Now as to the labels being speedy..... I am sticking to my words and there
> are a million more who will say the same. Labels are slow. When you changed
> your game over to "algorithm style" you may have changed some of the code to
> make it run slower for one reason or another, but it was not because ther
> were no labels.
> ~Eric
thank you, i will now be off to my 83 to do this, and hopefully it will be
faster, after all i think after i put in all the rest of the game it will be
alot fo fun
anyway thaks