Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...


Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...

>Subject: Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...
>Date: Wed, Oct 27, 1999, 4:19 PM

>     Hmm.... A LOT of Lbl's... it a little convoluted, and its difficult to
> determine exactly whats wrong without being able to run the program and see
> what happens.  But you said that it would "just kill itself"?  Thats sounds
> like an "End" problem to me check all of your If Then statements and be sure
> that you have the right number of End's for them and you While statements
> too.  Have too few or too many End's in a program has caused me a lot of
> aggervation and there hard to find.  Here's a Debugging hint, put a Pause
> command at every new step in your program so that you can stop the execution
> of the code and see where your program has made it to then you can determine
> where its going nuts.  As for optimization.. GET RID OF THOSE LABELS!!!
> Labels are sloooooow and can cause for some confusion at times, you might
> want to reorganize your game so that it is essentially a giant algorithm.(if
> you dont know what it is ask cause i didnt know for a while)  That will make
> your Game MUCH faster.  Well thats about all unless you have any questions on
> what ive said.
>     ~Eric

well how would i go about makeing this into a Algorithum, and the lbls are
thare to keep me from getting confuised

the problom is that the AI just sits thare and never does anything (and if
you think this is alot of labls, i made a program that maxed it out, and
then i tryed converting it to a non-lable format and it was so slow it was