Re: TIB: dead list?


Re: TIB: dead list?

    Oh i do remember that, and i said i would work on some of my own chess AI 
and tell you what i have come up with. Well i have, but i dont think its much 
to be interested in.  As to "thinking" ahead a couple of moves i came up with 
a theory that you could creat severel matricies lets say 5, and store the 
boards of the 5 most heavily weighted opponents moves in the 5 matricies. 
Then you can use the same anylization algorithm you use to do the current 
move to check and weight the danger possiblities of  the computers move so 
then it can determine which move to make by using a percentage.  Weight of 
effectiveness (We), over weight of danger (Wd) .  We/Wd = % then whichever of 
the 5  moves has the highest percentage rating then the computer will choose 
that move and it will be looking ahead 5 turns.  Oh yes, i forgot to mention. 
each of the moves will obviously have a different Wd and We in each of the 5 
boards so you can average them  then divide to get an accurate rating.  
This is all hypothetical, and theoretical, it has some base to it but i have 
coded none of it, its just a bunch of scribbles in the notebook right now. It 
would be slow haveing to re write 5 matricies every time it makes a move, but 
i think it would actually be pretty "smart" against a mediocure player.  As 
to creating different skill levels Whewh uhh you got me , I cant figure it 
out all i could say is different wieght values but thats all. Well anyway i 
said id tell yo uwhat i came up with so here it is.  Questions comments  and 
answers are all welcome.... 