Re: TIB: dead list?
Re: TIB: dead list?
Well, I had posted on this list a while ago about a chess AI. I haven't
started work on that yet, but the game that I'm making it for, Chessmaster 83
(for the 83 and 83+, for those of you who are a little slow), is nearing
completion. Most of the features are in place, and the main thing remaining
is some fine tuning and debugging. It should be out ahead of schedule (my
goal was by the end of December). For those of you who don't know anything
about it, look under the 83 PUDs at the TI-files ( I've
been told its on, too, but I haven't seen it there myself. I have
one question for you, though. Does anyone out there know of any good
shareware text-to-string programs? It'd be nice to include one with the game
to enable people to transfer the notation off the calc into texts and
vice-versa. It'd have to be one that's not copyrighted or anything like
that, obviously.
Eric Tollefson