Re: TIB: problem
Re: TIB: problem
Thanks a bunch man! i was dying over this and i had totally forgot about
the list (its so dead)
At 05:08 PM 10/5/99 , you wrote:
>One of the best features (because I like working with strings) on the Ti-89
>is the inderection operator. It has been a while since I used it, so frankly
>all of what I am telling you is not definitly possible. The inderection
>operator can be accessed from the catelog, and when used has the # symbol.
>What it does is uses the contents of a string as a variable. Example:
>"answer"->string1 :@string1 contains "answer"
>2->#(string1) :@the variable answer contains the value 2
>I hope this helps,
> Ted