Re: TIB: 86 Basic


Re: TIB: 86 Basic

Yes. There is a package for TI-86 called "AsapXcmd" which adds functionality
to the basic language through commands such as EXISTS("var", returning 1 or
zero. There are also many other commands in the program that are really
cool. It's available at, under misc. Assembly I think. I use the
program a lot in my programs.
Owen Cannon

> From: Jon Vadney <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 09:42:35 -0500
> To: Ti-List <>
> Subject: TIB: 86 Basic
> Does anyone know if there is a On-Error type command or program for
> ti-86 basic such that if a variable doesn't exist it will fall through
> to a command line instead of an error screen.
> -- 
> Jon
