Re: TIB: Manual


Re: TIB: Manual

I'd love to adapt it to the 85/86 TI-Basic.  I do a lot with TI-Basic, and I
am the writer of the LIB4 TI-Basic Interapplication Shared Library Standard,
go to, and click on the LIB4 standard.

MM MM   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M M M   I     T   C     HHHHH O   O
M   M   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M   M IIIII   T    CCC  H   H  OOO handle: mitchodog

on 11/07/1999 03:44 PM, at wrote:

> Hey guys, it seems that very often people ask me "how do you make
> programs?" I dont know if this happens to you a lot or not, but anyway
> whenever they ask you try to give them a really brief rundown of how its done
> but they just dont uderstand it.  So i decided to write a manual on how to do
> basic Basic.  This is for the 82 83 and 83+.  Its 13 short chapters, each
> about a page or two and i think its 23 pages.  But it covers all of the
> commands more indepth than the TI manual, and it has sample porgrams and at
> the end the readers final task is to make a  simple game.  I gave it to a
> person interested in Calc Programming who has almost no experience, and I'm
> going to see how it helps him.  If all goes well i will type it and it will
> be available to anyone who wants it.  So i just thought id let you know.  If
> you guys want a copy of it to check out id be happy to give you a peek at the
> first edition.  Thanks for your time guys!
> Peace,
> ~Eric Tamme
> "And love called to all music is magic" ~ Jimi Hendrix
