TIB: Diary of an Ex-86 programmer
TIB: Diary of an Ex-86 programmer
Hello everyone,
Last year I purchased a TI-86. I loved it. I trully LOVED it. I went
nowhere without my calculator. It became almost a part of me. And in that
time I produced some pretty good (albeit unfinished) programs. Then one day
in late-August, tragedy struck. I left work without my calculator. I never
saw it again.
Now here's where my sob-story applies to you. I have, safely stored
away, many pretty good (albeit unfinished) programs. I've moved on. I now own
an 89, and i'm busy with my C++. That's why I've decided to give away my
source code. I have may idea's already implemented for some of the subjects
youve been agonizing over.
I don't get online much. (I don't have a phoneline in my room, and my
account is on my girlfriend's computer) So you can expect somewhere between a
week and a month between posts. (I'll try to make it quickly) Here are some
of the things you can expect to see:
Minesweeper - the clasic M$ game
BattleShip - the clacic MB game
South Park - a text-based RPG\Adventure game based on the show
Dark Caverns - a 3D maze RPG game
Piechart - not a game, a graph program
UnF**k - a default reset program (my girlfriend wasn't very good at fixing
what i messed with)
<possibly others>
these programs will allow you to have a new look at what you've been doing,
by seeing how someone else did it (or tried)
I will upload them as soon as possible.
Lord Anas M. Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII (a.k.a. Duck)
Head Programmer: KRONK Ltd.
Head Preist: KRONK Cabal, POEE (hail eris)
Head Editor: The Book of KRONK
Head Knight: Sacred Order of Wall
Head Cheese: <the cheese stands alone>