TIB: DLL anyone?
TIB: DLL anyone?
I just had a thought...
Would it be possible to call an assembly program from a basic
program. If so, is there anyway it could store values to a variable or read
variables. I want to call operations that just are not possible through
basic. I don't know much assembly (yet) so don't laugh at me if this is the
single most stupidest thing you have ever heard. They could work in many
different programs (kind of like DLL's on a computer)
I want to do this:
: // stuff before here
: 23 --> arg1
: 17 --> arg2
: asemcode()
: if arg1 == 17
: then
: // more stuff
If you can't tell I use an 89, but I also want to know about other calc's too.
Lord Anas M. Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII (a.k.a. Duck)
Head Programmer: KRONK Ltd.
Head Priest: KRONK Cabal, POEE (hail eris)
Head Editor: The Book of KRONK
Head Knight: Sacred Order of Wall
Head Cheese: <the cheese stands alone>