Re: TIB: G'day


Re: TIB: G'day

Or do as I do and don't use either the Goto or Lbl statements at all!  I
guess I was just lucky enough to have a teacher that taught me how to make
programs without crappy Lbl/Goto coding. =)

-Miles Raymond      EML:
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: KilIer2 (kilier2)

----- Original Message -----
From: Grant Winney <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: TIB: G'day

> >From:
> (top of message not included)
> >that may be the problem, i dunno... on a related note, and something Ive
> >been
> >wondering in Basic, is that the programs gradually slow down upon
> >for a while, and some games even get these memory errors after a while of
> >running.  I was just thinking it is because the calc may be encountering
> >"Goto" statments within conditionals. For example, "If A=5: Then: B+1->B:
> >Goto D: End" and the program expects an "End" statement later on because
> >the "Then", but will never reach it.  Im not sure how the calc handles
> >that,
> >but there must be some sort of Stack like there is in ASM which keeps
> >of all the conditionals.  Say, if you put another "If:Then" statement
> >within
> >that conditional, it will then know to expect 2 "End" statements... After
> >period of time of jumping out of those statememts, maybe the allowed Ram
> >gets
> >full and we get a Memory Error. I cant think of anything else that would
> >this, or cause for a program to slow down like they do, but those are my
> >thoughts...
> >
> >Jason_K
> ===================================================================
> I've noticed that too.  If there is such a stack that these errors are
> building up in, I wish there was a way to clear it.  I guess the only way
> around that right now is to train ourselves to not include a GOTO
> in an IF-THEN-END statement.
> -Grant Winney
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