TIB: Link 83


TIB: Link 83

	Hey guys, I have a question.  I have been working on a link program, but i
have been having trouble getting the variable from one calc to another. I am
using a loop where the variable changes, and I have a loop for the reciveing
calc where it gets the variable and displays it; but it dosnt change, the
variable stays the same.  And the wierd part is, is that i can get it to work
on the home screen but not in the loop Why???     heres the code

CALC 1                                          CALC 2

ClrHome                                         Repeat 0
Repeat 0                                        GetCalc(X)  
int(rand5)+1->X                               Disp X
Disp X                                            For(0,1,20)
For(0,1,20)                                     End
End                                               End

	Any ideas guys?
