Re: TIB: Ti-89 Stuff ( looking for volenteers/ help)


Re: TIB: Ti-89 Stuff ( looking for volenteers/ help)

In a message dated 3/22/99 2:11:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< HERE IS AN EXAMPLE LIST [1,2,3,4,5]->x
 * how would i add 5 to the number "3" in the list?? >>
thats how you do it on the 86
it should be about the same syntax

<< * How would i handle conditions: EX;
 If (how do i say the area where number "3" is)=.... Then >>

If x(3)=15
Then do stuff if the third element in the list is 15

<< * or storeing the number in one area of the list
 to a variable. >>
stores the second element in the list to VAR
