Re: TIB: DIsmissal from - some clarifications


Re: TIB: DIsmissal from - some clarifications

In a message dated 3/10/99 3:17:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Okay people. This has gone on long enough. I agree that Bryan was
 forced out unfairly, but, and I must agree with the members
 here, this is off topic for the lists. Not only that, but the
 crossposting is unbelievable. I'm sick of recieving three copies of the
 same extraneously long message. (Don't catch me on the technicality that
 this message is crossposted... cause I know it is) If this line doesn't
 stop on the lists soon, then I will be forced to unsubscribe, not to
 spite, but rather to avoid the clutter in my mailbox because
 of the idiocy of the subscribers. Thank you.

I don't know how long you've subscribed to this list, but like all public
forums online, it sometimes digresses from its normal topic.  Your unnecessary
complaint just adds to it.  As does my response. If it's that big of a deal,
