Re: TIB: A few questions
Re: TIB: A few questions
I would just like to say, as I explained to the poor guy that started this,
the Send( works with the CBL and CBR, not with a calc-to-calc interface.
Send( sends info to the CBR/CBL. Get receives a variable on another calc
while in-program, to use later in the program. Hope that clears it up.
In a message dated 2/28/99 9:55:37 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> While is a modified If..Then loop that says While this condition is true
> Then complete the following action. You could replace ":While
> {condition} :{action}" with ":Lbl A :If {condition} :Then {action} :End
> :If {condition}: goto A"
> For( is used to complete a task with a string of numbers. For(x,A,B,S)
> will substitute A for x, and then increment A by S, and repeat the task
> until it surpasses B. S is optional and will default to 1. For(A,0,5)
> will make A 0,1,2,3,4,5 in that order and do the following action with
> each value.
> And as for a Send( w/o Get(, I doubt it, but I don't use those commands
> on a regular basis.
> -Joseph
> Have A
> :-)
> Nice Day