----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 1:53
Subject: Re: TIB: challenge
While this is true, it will not work
with an 89/92/+ calculator because the x=y logic returns either a ''true or a
'false', not a '1' or a '0' like all the rest of the 8x calcs. (But
I assume that we are using an 83 here because of the screen coordinates
and the parenthesis after Output) There are also a few drawbacks
with the loop itself:
;assuming that A<>22 to begin with...
:Output(X,Y," "
With this loop, you will see not a 'O'
on the screen, but a constant flash of 'O' on the screen, and this is where
you must decide if you would rather have it constantly flashing, or have the
loop be a little less responsive...
;assuming that A<>22 to begin with...
:While A=0