Re: TIB: rpg game
Re: TIB: rpg game
Here it is, the RPG engine with two levels and the level loader,and its only
1762 bytes total!!!! thats everything, the matrix which contains the original
level Str1 which contains level 2 and Rpg which is the movment engine and
level loader. right now Rpg is set up to only load the one other level, but i
am going to use a string to store the level on which you are on so that when
you turn of the calc then come back and play the game, it will have the last
level you played loaded into the matrix, and in the program it will say if
L1=1 then load Str1 into the matrix or if L1=2 load Str2 into the matrix and
so on untill i run out of strings i guess. oh yes, to get to the next level
just go pick up the + sign but as soon as you get the next level, you will
loose the first level because it is stored in the matrix and you dont have a
string of it to reload into the matrix. so if you want to be able to se that
level again (for what ever reason), just write matrix C because it will be
gone. Let me know whaat you think.