TIB: Re: New TI Owners List (as of Jan. 25 8:39 PM)
TIB: Re: New TI Owners List (as of Jan. 25 8:39 PM)
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Flanigan <cflan@granitecity.com>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 4:17 PM
Subject: TIB: New TI Owners List (as of Jan. 23 4:20 p.m.)
Heres the list as of Jan. 25, 8:39 PM
Chris Flanigan c_flan@yahoo.com TI-86, TI-83
(link port broken)
Rob Hornick firepower5@aol.com TI-82, TI-92
(will buy + module soon)
Jody Snider jody1@alaska.net TI-83
Miles Raymond m_rayman@bigfoot.com TI-83,89
Aaron Lanclos X@aol.com TI-83
Matt Monkey monkey_inc@geocities.com TI-82
Philipp Keller pkiller@antisocial.com TI-86,
temp. access to TI-82
This message was written by Chris Flanigan.
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-Miles Raymond EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756 IRC: Killer2 AIM: MRayMan