Re: TIB: New Web Page & New RandSeed!
Re: TIB: New Web Page & New RandSeed!
I suggest getting the full version of FrontPage98 or FP2000 (if it
exists??). You can probably get it on discount at a college bookstore.
-Miles Raymond EML:
ICQ: 13217756 IRC: Killer2 AIM: MRayMan
-----Original Message-----
From: House <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: TIB: New Web Page & New RandSeed!
>I've been reading through my Microsoft Developer's Network that came with
>Visual Studio. I pretty much found out that HTML alone can do just about
>everything and that I can use other programs like VBScript, Java, and even
>Visual C++ to "spice it up" so to speak. The thing is I have FrontPage
>_Express_, which came with Windows 98 and it includes absolutely no help
>very little to get you started, aside from a Wizard that creates a typical,
>ho-hum page. I think I'll just stick with straight HTML for now and work
>that VBScript stuff later. I like the method that ticalc and other sites
>use where there is always that bar on the side of the screen to jump to
>where you need to go. That's a frame, right? some sites will even keep a
>header on the top of the page. But in any event, when I get the site up
>(hopefully by the end of the week, no matter how bad it is) I will try to
>get some TI-related stuff up along with some of my other interests. In the
>meantime, I'm gonna try and figure out imagemaps and some other snazzy
>And since we're on the random subject, I just had an apiphany. on the 92+,
>use GetConfg() to store configurations into a List, then use "Free RAM" or
>"Free Archive" as the RandSeed input. This may be the most random you
>get? maybe?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Davis <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 1:45 PM
>Subject: Re: TIB: New Web Page
>>Might I give a suggestion? Avoid frames like the plague. They have
>>some useful properties, and in very rare circumstances work better than
>>alternate methods, but for the most part are too slow and klunky to be
>>useful. Use tables. They load faster, and allow more control over how
>>your page looks.
>>But it's your page.
>>Anyway, I use both frontpage and netscape composer. Frontpage is good
>>where the web server supports frontpage extensions. Composer is very
>>nice for quick-n-easy changes and editing.
>>House wrote:
>>> Hello again, everybody.