TIB: Re: TI Owners List


TIB: Re: TI Owners List

I could assist with programming the calcs and HTML.
~Dave Twaddell <the_regul8r@bigfoot.com>
TI-86, TI-89
(proficient 82/3/6 basic, learning possibilities of 89 basic)
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Flanigan <cflan@granitecity.com>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 11:27 PM
Subject: TIB: TI Owners List

OK. Do you want to post it to the list or send the mail with your name
and e-mail to me and I'll create a master copy to post to the list?
Anyway here it goes.

Chris Flanigan         cflan@granitecity.com           TI-86

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