Re: TIB: New Web Page
Re: TIB: New Web Page
Might I give a suggestion? Avoid frames like the plague. They have
some useful properties, and in very rare circumstances work better than
alternate methods, but for the most part are too slow and klunky to be
useful. Use tables. They load faster, and allow more control over how
your page looks.
But it's your page.
Anyway, I use both frontpage and netscape composer. Frontpage is good
where the web server supports frontpage extensions. Composer is very
nice for quick-n-easy changes and editing.
House wrote:
> Hello again, everybody. This doesn't have anything to do with ti-basic, but
> it will eventually. I just today gained access to my own web space. 10
> megs through my college. It would be appreciated if anyone could point me
> in the right direction for authoring a decent designed web page (something
> with image maps and frames) rather than something that's plain HTML text.
> all I have on my computer is FrontPage Express, which, in all actuality,
> sucks. Does anybody have a favorite program they like to use? I have
> Visual Studio 97, which comes with Visual J++ (Isn't that Java?) I don't
> know. I just needed to be steered in the right direction, and then I should
> be ok. Once again, I'm sorry if you're offended that I use this list for
> non-ti-basic posting, but search engines give too many hits to be useful.
> and if you really want to see my page, which has nothing useful on it, go to
> and be completely bored.