TIB: Re: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Program Everyone (I Mean Everyo
TIB: Re: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Program Everyone (I Mean Everyone)
The TBPA, which is basically what you just described, already exists, and
you should consider joining it. Big Mac is the founder and leader, so
consult him if you have any questions.
-Miles Raymond EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756 IRC: Killer2 AIM: MRayMan
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Flanigan <cflan@granitecity.com>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 10:25 PM
Subject: TIB: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Program Everyone (I Mean
>Good point. I can program for the TI-83 also. I have one but the link
>port is broken. I'll just take your ideas and transfer them to the
>TI-86. Same functionality but different keywords and commands.
>Is anyone very good at working with TI BASIC Sprites? I think that we
>may be able to tile the sprites to create the graphics.
>I'm thinking of starting a list, kind of like a petition, but not for
>a reason, to see what calculators people have on this list. On a
>message named TI Owners List, put your e-mail address or name if you
>don't want to give your e-mail, and your calculator type, then we can
>see who has what calculator.
>I think that we should all group together and make one ultimate
>program. Since there are so many of us, we could take the ideas
>posted, transfer them to our calculator and WHAM! We have our great
>program on every calculator platform. We need to turn this list into
>something productive as well as a learning center for those not
>experienced in BASIC.
>I'll send the list next. Remember that its called TI Owners List.
>Just think of what Jody said in the last message, "100 heads are
>better than two". Now let's prove it. Start posting program ideas so
>we can get started. Maybe we can make a RPG, 3D game, puzzle game,
>?????? I don't know. Let's get the ball rolling.
>If no one is interested in this let me know.
>I just think that there is no use in submitting dumb, boring,
>un-planned programs to the TI community. Let's make the ultimate
>program. Everyone who helps will get credit. You could say that you
>made the best TI BASIC program ever. What I think is a good idea may
>not to you. Tell me why, how, what I can do to make it better. With
>that train of though, don't you think that we could devise a program
>that all users of TI calculators would enjoy.
>The TI BASIC language was put on the calculator as a means of making a
>program. The ASM language was devised from loophole found in the
>calculator. Wasn't BASIC the language of choice? Why not keep it that
>way. Sure ASM is fast, good-looking, capable of greyscale and complex
>functionality. So is BASIC, maybe not to the same extent as ASM but
>doesn't BASIC have Disp, Outpt, Get(, ->, Send(, For(, If, While. ASM
>has the equivalent but who wants to remember
> call_clrLCD
> call_newline
> ld hl,OhBoy
> call_puts
> ret
> .db "Look at me!",0
>Isn't BASIC so much more simple? Look at it this way. Do you have the
>time to learn ASM? Do you actually know what call_puts is? (I do but
>I'm familiar with ASM)? ROM Routines, Link Port Routines, Getkey
>Routines, PutSprite, FindPixel; you have to know all of these.
>Have I convinced you of the need to create the ultimate BASIC program?
>Let's do it. Even you beginners, this is great experience. Join in, it
>can't hurt.
>If this carries on and people support it. I'll create a special
>section on my server for a small site dedicated to this movement.