TIB: Re: Re: Pausing a program without PAUSE


TIB: Re: Re: Pausing a program without PAUSE

Oops. Ignore the For loop and clrLCD is suppose to be ClLCD. Sorry!

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Flanigan <cflan@granitecity.com>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 9:59 PM
Subject: TIB: Re: Pausing a program without PAUSE

>Sure, but you can't actually use the Pause keyword. Just create a For loop
>to create a pause effect. In my SendIt 86 I used a pretty cool routine. I
>stored the message that the person wrote to a different variable (say
>message to msg). You create a While loop that says (<> means not equal to)
>Disp "Sending..."
>While message<>msg
>Outpt(1,1,"Message Sent"
>This will simply Get the string msg from the other calculator and compare
>to message on your calculator. The only way that the two can be equal is if
>the other calculator has successfully gotten the variable. Logical but
>tricky. You might want to download my demo of SendIt 86 at
>http://lflanigan.granitecity.com/projects.htm and check out my site at
>http://lflanigan.granitecity.com .
>I hope I helped you. If not, e-mail me at cflan@granitecity.com .
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nick <nick@funtv.com>
>To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
>Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 9:50 PM
>Subject: TIB: Pauseing a program without PAUSE
>>Is there a way to make a BASIC progarm on the 86 pause with enough time
>>for another 86 to get a string file, and then have it continue, without
>>the pause? I am making a chatting program (if you have been on the 86ASM
>>list then you know what its for) and I would like to know a way to have
>>the program pause maby a half a second, and then continue. If you could
>>help me out that would be great! thanks!
>>__--==++NICK OUT!++==--__