Re: TIB: A few questions
Re: TIB: A few questions
At 10:01 AM 2/28/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I know what almost everything does in 86 basic, but a few things i still
>dont get.
>What does the WHILE do. I used it twice, and once it worked how i
>thought, and the other it did not do a thing.
Im not sure about the 86 but this is a loop that repeats as long as
conditions are true
While z=1
do this
endWhile (if z=1 it loops otherwise it goes to next line)
I think thats it
>What does FOR do? I have only seen it in one program and I could not
>tell how it worked.
For is a loop that you use if you want it to run a certain number of times
For x,y,z (again im not sure how the syntax oin the 86)
For x,1,5 (sets x=1)
Does code in loop then when reaches next increases x by one
if x=5 it goes to next line
if x is less than five it repeats loop
Some times there is a step option that would be Fro x,1,10,(step)5
meaning at Next it increases x by 5
>Is there anyway to use that SEND( to make it send to another calc, so
>the other calc doesnt have to use the GET(?
I have no idea