Re: TIB: Random Number Generation Different From The One Before
Re: TIB: Random Number Generation Different From The One Before
In a message dated 2/24/99 5:48:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
> On the 86, how do I get a random integer between 1 and 24, and then if the
> number has already been used, it can't be used again? Is there any shorter
> way than testing all the numbers prior to it for the chosen number? Please
> don't waste mine and your time by telling me you don't have an 86. Thanks
> in
> advance.
> Glen
This is convoluted and obscure, but it is the fastest possible algorithm.
What the program has to do is pick a number, and search a list to see if it's
in there. The only real way to speed up this process is to use a binary
search (or bubble search, or whatever you want to call it) that can search a
sorted list in log(n) commands (n being the length of the list). The other
searches were linear, using n commands. The problem is, the code for a binary
search is obscure, unless you use a recursive function, and this is nearly
impossible on a Ti-86. I'm working on it, but I don't have much time. I'll
explain the theory here and maybe someone else can program it.
1.Make a list of the length you want
2.FOR LOOP: i = one to length
3. store random number to a
4. store one to n;
5. RECURSION (may be possible with a loop)
6. if list(n)=0 then store a to list(n);
7. if a>list(n) then store 1+n*2 to n and go to recursion;
8. if a<list(n) then store n*2 to n and go to recursion;
9. decrement i
That's all, but remember that recursion is not the same as goto; that won't