Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)


Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)

The problem with disabling the busy indicator on the 89 is that we have no
assembly info right now.  Therefore we don't have a ROM call that disables
it like on the other 8x calcs.  The assembly programs that you see these
days use more illusion than anything else.  Basically, they either turn off
the TI defined interrupts which intercept keypresses and such, or they
simply redefine the screen memory so that the status bar is off the screen.
More commonly though they just write text to that area on the screen.  So
disabling the busy indicator is not as 'harmless' as it seems.

~Dave <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Flanigan <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)

>I don't see how disabling the run indicator temporarily is dangerous.
>Sure, anything you tamper with has its danger but I've used other ASM
>programs to do such things and I haven't had any problems. I do see
>your point though about disabling ON during BASIC execution. That
>could be hazardous.