Re: TIB: Digital Assignment Book: CAN IT BE DONE?
Re: TIB: Digital Assignment Book: CAN IT BE DONE?
The endless debate on what is the best way to program, from the top
down or from the bottom up?
If you know you will need certain features in the end, it is probably
a better idea, IMHO, to put them in at the beginning and incorporate
them right away when programming. Otherwise you find yourself
constantly rewriting the same code with infinite little variations. So
this would correspond to the 'top down' method.
The bottom up method would be to write the program, then add the stuff
you want, change little stuf here and there...
Personnaly, I usually use the 'bottom up' method unless I know exactly
what I want when i start writing the prog(in any language). For me,
that doesn't happen often, but it seems to be the case here.
You will save more time in the long run if, before you even start
coding, you figure out exactly what you are going to do (and make sure
it is possible). Figure out how to store the data, how it will be
accessed and modified by the user, how customizable everything will
be, what subroutines you will need, etc.
Philipp Keller
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: 13 February 1999 19:44
Subject: Re: TIB: Digital Assignment Book: CAN IT BE DONE?
>My school has 9 seperate classes and 8 period days (except every 3rd
>when school ends at noon and there are 5 periods)..and every Monday
>Tuesday there is an extra period for an that makes 9
>In short, I am sure every school has it's own variation of the
infamous block
>schedule. Therefore, I think the DAB (digital assignment book)
should end up
>being user personalized but only after all the major programming
tasks have
>been completed. Worrying about the abitility to pin-point the number
>classes will only slow the process down. We must work on the macro
scale and
>then begin working on a micro level if this program will satsfy the
>TI-User population.
>In a message dated 2/13/99 6:00:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> great idea!! I wish somehow it would work on my ti-85, also I would
want a
>> choice between 7 and 4 classes with the block scheldeules in my
school next
>> year