Re: TIB: Calender?!


Re: TIB: Calender?! wrote:
> Is there a Calender program for the TI-83?
> (a program that generates a graphical monthly calender by inputting the month
> and year)
> I know a version exists for the TI-82 but the program does not convert
> correctly to the TI-83.
> Please email me all replies!
> Thank you!

Yeah, I have a program that I wrote for the 83 that sounds just like
what you described.  It's been a while since I looked at it, but it asks
for the month name, and the first day of the month.  Then it draws all
the squares and places the S M T W T F S across the top.  Each of the
squares is, of course numbered.  Then you simply input the number of the
day you want to view.  You can store various information via strings for
any day of the month, and then view that information by selecting the
day.  The program is more of a brute force kinda thing when it comes to
the programming, though.  Instead of using some finesse.  For example,
it simply makes 31 seperate lists to store the data in.  Needless to
say, it is very memory intensive and it can certainly be improved upon. 
I just haven't gotten around to making it better yet.  Maybe after I
finish my version of Blackjack!

Jody Snider
