Re: TIB: TI-Basic Calender?


Re: TIB: TI-Basic Calender?

>OJ wrote:
>> The anomolies you are referring to take place because of calender
>> changes. In my old Comp. Sci. book, there was a program we had to make
>> in order to tell something about which day easter occurred on, and the
>> program had built in error handling for years that had unusual
>> properties. Hope this helps.
>>                         OJ

>Any ideas about what some of those anomolies are? More importantly, are
>they predictable, and how do you adjust for them?  I couldn't find any
>Jody Snider

I think this is the pattern to leape years: Any year divisable by 4 is a 
leape year, unless it is divisable by 100 as well, but if it is divisable 
by 400 than it is a leape year.
so 1900 was not a leapyear becaus, altho it was divisable by 4 it was 
also divisable by 100. The year 2000 will be a leapyear because, altho, 
like 1990 it is divisable by both 4 & 100, unlike 1900 it is also 
divisable by 400.
i got this from Apples Software's ( 2k bug info page.
