Re: TIB: TI-Basic Calender?
Re: TIB: TI-Basic Calender? wrote:
> I am trying to get a program for my TI-83 that by entering a date, it
> determines the day of the week (example: by inputting 2/9/98, the program
> determines the date is a Saterday)
> I am sure this program has already been written. Do you know where/how I can
> get this program?
> Please email me all replies.
> Thank you,
Interesting point. I tried something like this a while back, but I ran
into one big snag. Leap years. I can't remember everything, but
somewhere way back in the past and somewhere in the not so far future,
something happens that shouldn't. Like, I looked in the phone book at
the back where they have the calendars for all the years from 1900 to
2025 - I think that was all the years - but there wasn't a _reliable_
pattern. There was something, I just can't remember what it was, that
made it impossible to come up with a reliable formula. I know that
there are simple programs for computers that will tell you what day you
were born and how many days you've been alive and stuff like that, but I
don't know how they operate.
Jody Snider