Re: TIB: Re: BASIC Programming Guide


Re: TIB: Re: BASIC Programming Guide

Well, for a 92, to edit a list, you type {1,35,"adsa",3}->list and it
displays {1 35 "adsa" 3}
To read an element: list[2] displays 35
To write: 45->list[2] replace 35 with 45
For a table: table[2][4] gives the 4th element of the second list (column)
But it's not possible to modify an element by typing 467->table[2][4]

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 1999 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: TIB: Re: BASIC Programming Guide

> I'm guesing a list is either enclosed in {} or [].  To modify/read one
> element, you simply use this: varname[row,column]  In the case of a list,
> use only one number (varname[column])
