TIB: TI86 question


TIB: TI86 question

is there any way to get a variable to appear in a line of text.

like, for instance, say you have a program that does the Pythagorean Theorem, 
but you wanted, after variables for A and B or A and C were inserted, to 
display the formula with the variables replaced by the numbers
in other words, you have A^2+B^2>C and then you square route C (there's 
probably a quicker way to do that, but oh well), and the user inputs A and B, 
but then you want the formula to display on the screen as "3^2+4^2=(sq. rt.) 
25" and then "(sq. rt.) 25=5". and to do that getting the calc to do a 
display with the numerical values put in place of the variables they were 
stored as.