Re: TIB: my game (knowers of ASM please read)
Re: TIB: my game (knowers of ASM please read)
>Subject: Re: TIB: my game (knowers of ASM please read)
>Date: Sun, Sep 12, 1999, 3:32 PM
> It is really easy to read the value of a variable and use the equivalent of a
> 'goto' statement in an asm program. I know that I can do this really easily
> on an 83. The thing I'm not sure about is what you want done then. I know
> you say you have some Cinematics, but does that mean you are just displaying
> 1 picture, displaying a series of pictures, a picture and a sprite, 10
> sprites?
well i will have some pics that i want to just be displayed so that thay
look like thare moving. like a sward fight or a town being burnt to the
ground or something like that
i understand source relitivly good, just put together a program that will go
to point A when S=1 point two when S=2 and so on (gimmy about 10 slots) and
i can take it from thare, i think. also gimmy a little anotation.
if i have any other probloms i will get ahold of you for it, (and yes its
the Variable S that i want)
>I'm not really sure what you want there and that may be a problem.
the only probloms is that basic cant accept more than 10 pics and i need
around 100. (i like lots of cinmatics)
> Send me the files by at least noon on Monday and I may be able to help
> (because Monday is a half day, I'll have time to mess around with some stuff,
> otherwise it might be a week or so).
well i have school all day monday, and thats when i will get the pics, just
send me the code that does what i specifide