Re: TIB: Convert and my game (knowers of ASM please read)
Re: TIB: Convert and my game (knowers of ASM please read)
>Subject: Re: TIB: Convert and my game (knowers of ASM please read)
>Date: Thu, Sep 9, 1999, 6:48 PM
> First of all you don't need to know C before you learn C++. I learned it
> without any prior knowledge of a "computer" programming language.
ya, but it helps alot.
> The second
> thing is that you need to be more specific about what you want the ASM
> program to do (What kind of info you would input and etc.).
all it needs to do is when it is called, and a Variable e=whatever put up a
cinimatic on the screen. during the program no input will be needed, its
just gona need to display and go back to the program that called it ( witch
shouldent be to hard to do, in the program with the ASM call just put
so can it be done, if so i can send over all my cinimatics in about a week,
( i need to have them rendered first)