Re: TIB: Convert and my game (knowers of ASM please read)


Re: TIB: Convert and my game (knowers of ASM please read)

>   I'm about to start learning C++. Earlier this year I started getting sick
> of BASIC so I learnt ASM for the 83. Perhaps you should try that.
> James Vernon

here is a peace of advice, you need to know C before you go on to C++ (i
want about a year before i go to C++)

also i have just finnsihed my Quest 2 Engine, witch has built in Support of
Addons, i was wondering if anywon would be interested in makeing a add on
for it, im planning on makeing on but i would like to get some other Quest
Packs (as i call them)

anyway i will send you a copy of Quest 2 if you want me to. it is moderitly
Texted based
(right now im working with a  Calc Artist for cinimatics, he is amasiing, he
works here at Area 52 software.)

also, seeing as i can only store 10 pics on my 83 i was wondeirng if i could
get someone who knows ASM to make me a program that renders some cinimatics
at my calls, if i remeber thare are programs that take a picture and
converts it into all of the numbers you need for a picture (i know thare is
one for mac)

anyway this game is amasing for being texted based and is extremly
interactive (no other Texed based game comes close in my experance, but
thats probly just bias :-)

so who is up for makeing me that quick program