Re: TIB: Chess AI
Re: TIB: Chess AI
--- wrote:
> Im no expert about real hefty AI such as that
> requierd for a chess game,
> but i'll put in my thoughts anyway. I too think
> that the calc shouldnt have
> to hold a list of all the moves. I base most of my
> "board" games on a matrix
> i.e. checkers, "the dot game", and tic tac toe so
> that i can get what is in
> any square at any given point in time. I think if
> you used a matrix and
> assigned a value to each chess piece you could then
> create an algorithm to
> determine which moves are possible to make with the
> current board, and weight
> the individual moves at the same time. I think that
> a basic chess game that
> looks maybey hmmm... maybey 2 or 3 moves ahead can
> be mmade without being too
> super duper slow, but you would need to have a
> wicked algorithm to accomplish
> it. Hmm.. i think you guys are gonna get me in
> trouble. this is getting too
> interesting to pass up. I feel a project coming
> on.....well lets see ifin im
> smart enuf to make this thing go FAST, real fast.
> well enough talk now to the
> walk. I wish you luck on your development, and ill
> share with you what i come
> up with.
> ~ Eric
Hmmm... Could work. alot better than some other Ideas
I've seen. You ever played Mechwarrior 83? Would bve
fine if it wasn't so damn slow.
Twenty-seven everyone was nice
Gotta see 'em, make 'em pay the price
See their bodies layed out on the ice
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