RE: TIB: Chess AI


RE: TIB: Chess AI

Ah, but here is the problem, their are well more then a hundred moves at one 
time!  You can't just look at the more 'important' pieces on the board, or 
just moving a man to take an opponent.  You have to be able to 'look ahead' 
at least one round, else your AI will be pointless.  I have though about a 
chess AI engine for a long time ~2 years.  You would need to know not only 
the best move at the time but the possibility of a good move at least one 
round from now.  That is where the problem lies.  Now I can do this, but the 
actual implementation isn't fast.  What the calcs has to do is figure out 
the best move it can make, with keeping in mind one move from then; and then 
it needs to figure out the best move you can make, again keeping in mind at 
least one move ahead.  All that is needed is a algorithm to figure out the 
best move, then have the calc 'switch' sides, and figure out your best move, 
then move accordingly.  But all of this isn't efficient at all.  On a side 
note, I have an old apple IIC that has a great chess program.  The AI for it 
is quite good, especially considering the IIC is only a 2MHz machine!  I 
know that the 6305 processor and the Z-80 are quite similar, maybe someone 
could understand the Asm code of it enough to port it to the Calc, which is 
a much faster machine.
If you need any help, or just questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Josh Cunningham

>From: "Jeff Tyrrill" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: TIB: Chess AI
>Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 17:21:42 -0700
>The program doesn't need to keep a list of all possible moves, except
>perhaps on one turn. There are no more than probably a hundred, at the very
>most, moves at any one turn, and usually much less than that. Also, the
>program could store them a piece at a time, so there would only be around
>20-25 at the most moves to keep track of at a time, usually much less. When
>the program is testing each possible move to find the best, it only has to
>remember the best one(s), not all of them.
>Somebody already made a TI-Basic chess computer for the TI-85. It's on
> It works, but is extremely slow, too slow to be tolerable IMO,
>but it demonstrates that a calculator chess computer is possible, even in
>TI-Basic. The program was ported to 85 Basic from a GW Basic program, also
>included in the ZIP file. On the easiest difficulty level, moves take 1-2
>minutes to calculate, but they're as good as random moves. On the second
>difficulty level, moves take several minutes to calculate. I didn't play
>long enough to see whether the moves were any good, because it was taking 
>long! :)
>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of The Incredible
>Bulk, AKA Prime
>Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 8:09 AM
>Subject: Re: TIB: Chess AI
>Suffice to say, the list of possible moves would cause
>a memory overload and kill the program. You'd have to
>do it on something w/more space, aka a TI-92+ or 89
>(maybe even a 86, if you think about it.). Also, If
>you can get your hans on one, you could try it as an
>APP (residing in the flash memory area) to make it a
>little easier to work with, but impossible to tamper.
>--- Adam Davis <> wrote:
> >
> > This is a very complex problem.  Chess has never
> > been 'solved'.
> >
> > So they use prediction for most chess programs.  The
> > program determines a number
> > of moves it can make, then using it's own rules,
> > determines a number of moves
> > it's opponent would then make.  Then it finds
> > (through some quantifying process)
> > which positions end up with giving itself the best
> > chance to win.  then it sees
> > which of it's moves would have the best 'score', and
> > makes that move.  Really
> > fast computers go and look ahead at 5-50 moves after
> > its current position.
> >
> > -Adam
> >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm developing a chess program for the 83 (you may
> > have heard of it,
> > > Chessmaster 83, listed on and
> > and I want to try to
> > > write an AI for it.  If anybody out there has any
> > suggestions on how to do
> > > that, I'd be appreciative.  So far, all I can
> > figure out to do is to have it
> > > go through all the possible moves, and assign them
> > values based on piece
> > > count and position, but that would take a long
> > time and it would be pretty
> > > hard to get the calculator to quanitify a board
> > position.  So... I need a
> > > little help.
> > >
> > > Eric Tollefson
> >
> >
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>See their bodies layed out on the ice
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