Re: TIB: Chess AI
Re: TIB: Chess AI
Suffice to say, the list of possible moves would cause
a memory overload and kill the program. You'd have to
do it on something w/more space, aka a TI-92+ or 89
(maybe even a 86, if you think about it.). Also, If
you can get your hans on one, you could try it as an
APP (residing in the flash memory area) to make it a
little easier to work with, but impossible to tamper.
--- Adam Davis <> wrote:
> This is a very complex problem. Chess has never
> been 'solved'.
> So they use prediction for most chess programs. The
> program determines a number
> of moves it can make, then using it's own rules,
> determines a number of moves
> it's opponent would then make. Then it finds
> (through some quantifying process)
> which positions end up with giving itself the best
> chance to win. then it sees
> which of it's moves would have the best 'score', and
> makes that move. Really
> fast computers go and look ahead at 5-50 moves after
> its current position.
> -Adam
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm developing a chess program for the 83 (you may
> have heard of it,
> > Chessmaster 83, listed on and
> and I want to try to
> > write an AI for it. If anybody out there has any
> suggestions on how to do
> > that, I'd be appreciative. So far, all I can
> figure out to do is to have it
> > go through all the possible moves, and assign them
> values based on piece
> > count and position, but that would take a long
> time and it would be pretty
> > hard to get the calculator to quanitify a board
> position. So... I need a
> > little help.
> >
> > Eric Tollefson
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Gotta see 'em, make 'em pay the price
See their bodies layed out on the ice
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