Re: TIB: TIB new game


Re: TIB: TIB new game

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999 20:04:04 EDT, wrote:
>     Hey guys whats up?  this list is DEAD!!! oh well i thought id throw 
>that im making a new game called box wars for the 83.  I play it on paper
>during class when im at school to pass time, but it reqiers a lot of 
>so i figured id make it on the calc so i wouldnt have to erase any more.  
>is a two player game on paper and will be for the first version of the calc
>game ( the AI is a bit tricky).  It's a very fun game to play, and since 
>probably dont know how to play it ill tell you.  For those who know how to
>play "the dot game" it is a very very distant relative.  So anyway, theres 
>game grid like tic tac toe except for that it is 4 wide by 3 tall.  now 
>player starts with two "men" P1 has x's P2 has o's.
>__________________      now you choose who goes first, and that player can
>put a
>   x   |       |       |    o   |    new one of his "men" any where on the
>board.  Now, if he
>------------------------------- |    Places his man where it touches one or
>more of the other
>____|____|____|_____|   players "men" on a flat edge ,NOT diagonaly, then 
>   o   |       |       |    x   | the other players men your new man 
>becom your
>---------------------------------  men and then replace the symbol (x or o)
>with yours.  the object of the game is to take over as much of the board 
>you play till the other player is eliminated or niether player can place a
>new man.
>well there it is, it is actually a relativly simple game to make, so it
>shouldnt take too long to get out.    just thought id let ya know.   bye!
>     ~eric
>   x   |       |   x   |    o   |   <-- P1 moves
>------------------------------- |              and board now
>____|____|____|_____|              looks like   ------
>   o   |       |       |    x   |                                    |
>---------------------------------                              |
>  __________________                        |
>   x   |       |    x  |    x   |                       |
>------------------------------- |    <------------------------------|
>   o   |       |       |    x   |

  Sounds like a good game.

James Vernon

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