TIB: Hello.... anyone in here?
TIB: Hello.... anyone in here?
Things have been quiet guys and i thought id'e send a letter maybe
get the ball rolling. This is Eric from former BFS and once hopfull Pali gap
software. I just wanted to let you guys know that i am tierd of doing group
prodjects in software coalitions because i think that they a reasonably
inneficient because of communication problems and dissagreement. Ive
decided that i quit ! no, not programming (althought that might be in ther
near future) but groups. people say that two heads are better than one,
thats BULL SHIT! you remember all of those times i asked you for game ideas,
thats because the two heads in my program ideas group couldnt come up with
jackcrap and i happend to be the president so i had to ask you guys for them.
I am going to make the best god damd basic games for the 83 that i can.
If you know it all or almost all then who do you need? NO ONE. Now this
letter may be a little contravercial in that you may think i am a stuck up
fathead who thinks i know everything, but i DONT think i do. But what i do
know is that if youve got the brains and the braun you dont need no one else.
And i think thats what i got. I want you to know that i am working for me
now and that when when you do things for you, you do a job twice as good. Im
not only a game designer, im a game player, i use em. So im making games
that i want and making em damnd good too so your gonna be gettin a lot of
stuff that I THINK IS GOOD stuff. I am going to include all of my games that
i made for me which have the BFS name because i made them while i was in
their group, except they are going to have the right name on them ERIC TAMME!
not BFS or pali gap or some credit stealing backstabbing worthless game
nerds who cant do crud worth of programming! So just be ready for MY stuff
that is old and new. its For me By ME! so long till then and catch ya on the